Saturday, September 8, 2018

And Again with the Vineyard, 2018: Day 12

Back up to Moshup today, past the Scene of the Crime (which inexplicably cancelled pizza night the evening before; I’m hoping it was not because of shards of auto glass in the grass) for a practically perfect beach day.  Wind just enough to cool you down on one side, sun baking you on the lee.  Waves big enough for some pounding, sand flat enough for some walking.  An amazing kite of a three-masted schooner that can’t quite fly high, but looks very beautiful against the sea.

But first, a stop at the Craft Fair to see Teacher Kathy, purveyor of fine weed, and to show off her former charges.  Such a treat to see her, and receive her warm hugs and well-wishes.  Now that is the power of good early childhood education. 

Here’s something you don’t see everyday:  a hawk taking off with a crow in its talons.  We and the oncoming car both pause on Longview Road to watch this dramatic scene play out.  I guess you could say that hawk was really eating crow. 

In case this is all sounding just a little too much like previous years, allow me to present a

NEW ACTIVITY ALERT:  during his wanderings in VH, Bill spotted a poster for a Yellow Submarine sing-a-long.  Which we attended this evening, to everyone’s great enjoyment, singing away and la-la-ing when we didn’t recognize a song (which was not often).  That movie is weird!  And I’d forgotten how actually creepy and downright scary the Blue Meanies are.  But the message is as strong today as it was in 1968:  all together now, all you really need is love. 

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