Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Roots Tour: Taos, 2017 Day 4

I have been worrying about the jocularity-solemnity balance on this trip.  Some of our lift rides have been awfully quiet, and since I feel responsible for keeping things light, this really weighs on me.  Thank goodness for fart jokes, which never cease to crack everyone up. 

What is up with onesies on young people?  On Day 2 we saw a kid dressed as a penguin and one as a seal, skiing together (of course, because why wouldn’t they?).  Day 3 we observed a whole crowd, including a Pikachu and some kids in what looked like pajamas.  I guess it is a young person thing.  Peter says people think it is funny. But would you wear one, I asked?  Probably not, he replied. 

Today was notable for several events.  First, Lift 2 went on the fritz for about an hour, stranding us on the West Basin side of the mountain.  This isn’t a disaster, just a little boring, so we opted to try some of the steep black chutes down to the base, just to add some variety to our morning.  That led to event no. 2, which was my epic fall down the deceptively-sweetly named Edelweiss Glade.  According to Peter, I slid about 100 yards total, only finally utilizing self-arrest (which you know, Slim, is hard to do if you are not already on your stomach!) at the end of the second 50.  The menfolk thought it hilarious but at least they collected my skis.

I recovered with lunch on the deck at the St. Bernard, which is pretty sublime.  Warm enough to eat in your shirt, not crowded because it is Tuesday, and a good burger to which you can add (if you are Peter) loads of green chiles and blue cheese and pickles.  This is one of those skiing it-doesn’t-get-better-than-this moments. 

I’m pretty sure there was some good skiing this afternoon because my ski tracker tells me so.  But I’m in a happy fog of sun and burgers and can’t really remember it that clearly.

Tonight we are joined by Uncle Jim, who like Santa always comes bearing treats and gifts – some buffalo gourds and some seriously tasty pistachio-chile brittle.  We dine at the Taos Inn, home of one the best neon signs ever.  But accompanied by sweet canine Una, he is staying at the fabulously pet-friendly El Pueblo Lodge (runner up for best neon sign in town), where he not only has a suite with a fireplace, but a private little yard for Una, AND she is welcome in the dining room!  They know how to treat visitors right here in Taos. 

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