Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Forgettable Flan: The Roots Tour to Taos, 2017

In which we get the band back together, with some new blood.

The best time of day on our family vacations is early in the morning, when I get up and make some tea and sit down to find out what went on in the world while we slept, and also write about our adventures.  Often, others are awake, but reading in their own spaces, although Izzy will usually creep out and cozy up nearby with a book.  It is quiet and calm and beautiful outside and everything is possible.[1] 

Forgettable Flan – the band, the legend – was born in Taos, NM, clothed in the New York look, and rode to fame on the strength of such unforgettable hits as “Bombshell” and “Two Margs and a New York Strip.”  After touring extensively in North America and Europe (some highlight albums include:  The Telluride Sessions, Orbitale, and Panna Cotta:  Flan in Rome), the band evolved:  they grew up, added families and partners, and founding member Andy Reinhardt moving to Europe to record independently.  Now Flan is back with new members Petey the Fish (lyrics) and the Enforcer (on bass).  This is the chronicle of their recent tour to where it all started.

[1] This also happens not on vacation, but it is better on vacation.

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